
1How do I pay for a product purchase?

Precious EVA do not offers you multiple payment methods. However you will directly pay to the seller/shop through ( Internet banking, wallets, google pay, or cash on delivery ) as they offer you to pay through.

2Are there any hidden charges (Octroi or Sales Tax) when I make a purchase on Precious EVA?

There are NO hidden charges when you make a purchase on Precious EVA. The prices listed for all the items are final and all-inclusive. The price you see on the product page is exactly what you pay.

Delivery charges may be extra depending on the seller policy. Please contact the shop/seller for the same.

3What is Cash on Delivery?

Cash on delivery ( C-o-D ) you can pay in cash at the time of actual delivery of the product at your doorstep, without requiring you to make any advance payment online.

Note: In some area or in circumstances Cash on delivery is not applicable. Please contact the shop/seller after ordering the product.

Foreign currency cannot be used to make a C-o-D payment. Only Indian Rupees accepted.

4 How do I pay using a credit/debit card?

Precious EVA do not accept a credit/debit card.
Ask your seller/shop to provide the payment gateway if they accept it.

5What steps does Precious EVA take to prevent payment fraud?

To avoid the payments fraud we directly gave the access for payment to the seller/shop. So that everyone should be satisfied with it.

6Can I use my bank’s Internet Banking feature to make a payment?

Its totally depend on the seller/shop if they accept the internet banking. You may ask with seller/shop after ordering the product.

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